觀光旅遊研究學刊 Journal of Tourism and Travel Research |
202306 (18:1期)期所有篇 |
- 疫情危機下之契機:臺灣兩大航空公司之競爭優勢 The Opportunities from the Epidemic Crisis Competitive Advantages of Two Major Airlines in Taiwan
- 水資源保育場域素養課程發展及教學成效之研究 The Development and Teaching Effectiveness of Environmental Literacy Curriculum of the Water Resources Conservation Fields
- 目的地意象、旅遊動機、體驗價值與行為意向之研究──以平溪老街為例 The study of relationship among destination image, travel motivation, experience value and behavioral intention- A case study of Pingxi Old Streets
- 來源地效果、目的地品牌權益、重遊意願之關聯性研究──以日本三大主題樂園為例 Effects of origin, destination brand equity and revisit intention—A study of three Japanese theme parks