正當行政程序與有效司法救濟之交互作用:以環評制度為中心之臺灣與德國法比較 Interaction between Administrative Due Process and Effective Judicial Protection Based on EIAs: A Comparison of Taiwan and German Law
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環境民事公益訴訟的司法聯動研究 The Judicial Linkage Study of the Environmental Civil Public Interest Litigation
克服自由貿易的環境問題瓶頸──海南自由貿易區生態環境法制保障 Overcoming the Bottleneck of Environmental Problems in Free Trade–The Ecological Environment Legal System Guarantee for Hainan Free Trade Zone
中國大陸林權爭議調處的基本依據、證據規則及程序機制──結合新解「廣東省林權爭議調解處理條例」 The Fundamental Basis, Evidence Rules and Procedure Mechanism of Dispute Settlement of Forest Property in Mainland China–a New Explanation combined with the Regulations on the Dispute Mediation and Handling of Forest Property in Guangdong Province
回眸、解構與展望:環境糾紛多元解決機制之改良芻議 Reviewing, Deconstructing and Looking forward: Improvement of Multi-resolution Mechanism for Environmental Disputes
在司法實踐中探索環境民事公益訴訟的多元化責任承擔方式 In Judicial Practice Searching Pluralistic Ways of Assuming Responsibility in Environmental Civil Public Interest Litigation