200702 (60期)期所有篇 |
- 圖書館應用無線射頻辨識技術之創新應用與實作 Innovative Applications of RFID in Library Services
- 機構典藏之作者調查研究 A Study of Authorial Opinions on Institutional Repositories
- 「相關」與「模糊」在資訊檢索領域中關係驗證與分析 Verification and Analysis of the Notions of 'Relevant' and 'Fuzzy' in Information Retrieval
- 大學圖書館員服務導向組織公民行為初探:由服務品質觀點探討 A Preliminary Study of Academic Librarians' Service-Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: From the Perspective of Library Service Quality
- 全球化下圖書館資訊服務的變革與趨勢:以歐洲圖書館為例 Change and Trend of Library Information Service in the Era of Globalization: A Case Study of the European Library
- 韋伯官僚理論與檔案來源原則之映證 Mutual Proof between Max Weber's Theory of Bureaucracy and the Principle of Archival Provenance
- 網路資訊傳播與和諧社會構建 Internet Information Transmission and the Construction of a Harmonious Society