臺灣語文研究 Journal of Taiwanese Languages and Literature |
201910 (14:2期)期所有篇 |
- 從語言風格學角度看〈嫁妝一牛車〉怪誕風格的語言偏離現象 A Stylistic Study on the Language Deviation in Literature: The Grotesque in An Ox-Cart for Dowry
- 程度結構的焦點成分――以「太」字結構為例 The Focus Component in Degree Constructions: Some Remarks on the Tai Construction
- 後國語運動的語言態度――台灣年輕人對五種華語口音的態度調查 The Language Attitudes in Post Guoyu Movement Era in Taiwan–A Study of Taiwanese Young People's Attitudes Towards Five Mandarin Varieties
- 台灣南部醫療人員台語使用與能力之社會語言學調查 A Sociolinguistic Study on Medical Professionals' Use of Taiwanese in Southern Taiwan