財金法學研究 The Financial Law Review |
202103 (4:1期)期所有篇 |
- 「同股不同權」臺灣與中國大陸雙層股權結構之發展觀察 The Observation of the Development of Dual-Class Share Structure in Taiwan and China
- 論我國私立大專校院董事會與校長間之監督考核關係 A Study upon the Supervision Relationship between the School Legal Person’s Board and the President of Private Colleges and Universities
- 由資本制論公司同數額減增資與員工認股權憑證發行予非員工之效力 On the Same Amount of Corporate Capital Decrease/Increase from Capital Systems and Legal Effect of Issuing Employee Share Subscription Receipt to Non-employee
- 我國仲裁人倫理規範之觀察與展望 Current Observation and Prospect on Taiwan’s Code of Ethics for Arbitrators