文化認同、生態衝突與族群關係:由阿美族都蘭部落的傳統領域論述談起 Cultural Identity, Ecological Conflict and Ethnic Relations: Discourse on the Traditional Territory by the 'Amis of 'Tolan
從惠來遺址出土遺物和古土壤形態探討台中盆地史前環境 A Reconsideration to the Paleo-Environment of the Taichung Basin Based on the Artifacts and Morphologies of Paleosols at the Hui-Lai Site
祖先崇拜中的文化變遷:以大阪台灣人為例 Acculturation of Ancestral Rituals: The Case of Taiwanese Residents in Osaka
台灣“選擇性剖腹產”之重新解讀分析 A Reinterpretation of Maternal Requests for Cesarean Sections in Taiwan