中華心理學刊 Chinese Journal of Psychology |
202212 (64:4期)期所有篇 |
- 重回正軌:大學生為何、如何中斷學業拖延 Back on Track: Why and How College Students Terminate Academic Procrastination
- 友誼疏離對心理健康之效應:華人「緣」與「分」信念之緩衝 The Effect of Friendship Alienation on Mental Health: The Buffering Effects of the Chinese“Yuan”and“Fen”Beliefs
- 誰在職場八卦?氣質性嫉妒與組織認同之研究 Who’s Gossiping in the Workplace? A Study of Dispositional Envy and Organizational Identification
- 台灣夫妻情感互動觀察系統的跨文化轉譯研究 Cross-Cultural Identified Affect Coding System for Observing Marital Affective Interaction in Taiwan
- 燒傷患者的知覺疤痕嚴重度與社交焦慮:知覺社會汙名與身體意象不滿之中介角色 Perceived Scar Severity and Social Anxiety Among Burn Patients: The Mediating Roles of Perceived Social Stigma and Body Image Dissatisfaction
- 幼兒費力控制與母親及父親管教方式之影響關係:一項短期縱貫研究 Bidirectional Relationships Between Preschoolers’Effortful Control and Maternal and Paternal Discipline Styles in a Short-Term Longitudinal Study