中華心理學刊 Chinese Journal of Psychology |
202209 (64:3期)期所有篇 |
- 正向和負向情緒對述情障礙者的語意處理的影響 The Influence of Positive and Negative Emotions on Semantic Processing in Alexithymia
- 執行功能平板測驗模組的開發 Development of a Tablet-Based Task Battery for Executive Function Assessment
- 華人母親的學習信念與共讀行為:努力有用觀與能力增進觀的比較 Chinese Mothers' Belief Systems about Learning and Shared-Reading Behaviors: The Pragmatic View of Effort vs. the Incremental View of Intelligence
- 不可承受之重:支持同婚態度對自我資源耗竭、心理困擾之影響 Ugly Truth: The Effects of Positive Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Marriage on Ego Depletion and Psychological Distress
- 探討轉換型領導如何提升部屬個人──工作適配:檢驗工作塑造與知覺組織支持的角色 Exploring How Transformational Leadership Enhances Subordinate Person-job fit: The Roles of Job Crafting and Perceived Organizational Support
- 罹癌後的反芻思考與創傷後成長的關係:心理苦惱與情緒調節策略之調節角色 Post-traumatic Growth and Rumination Following a Cancer Diagnosis: The Moderating Roles of Psychological Distress and Emotional Regulation Strategies