中華心理學刊 Chinese Journal of Psychology |
202206 (64:2期)期所有篇 |
- 依戀與情緒臉孔注意力處理歷程的關聯性:臉孔呈現時間的影響 The Interplay of Attachment and Attention Processing of Emotional Faces: The Influence of Exposure Time
- 寂靜、切近與綿延:癌末病患照顧者悲傷時間性探究 Silence, Resolution, and Endurance: An Exploration of Grief Temporality in Bereaved Caregivers of Terminally Ill Cancer Patients
- 經驗逃避調節正向基模與自傳式記憶特定性的關係:以曾遭遇人際創傷者為例 Experiential Avoidance Moderates the Relationship between Positive Schema and Autobiographical Memory Specificity in Individuals with Interpersonal Traumas
- 社會價值傾向在資源分配上的展現:關係親密度與對立情境的調節 Social Value Orientations on Resource Allocation: The Moderation Analysis of Relationship Closeness and Competitive Situation
- 閾值估計探究:引入反應信心量尺於適測方法 Incorporating Response Confidence into Adaptive Methods for Threshold Estimation
- 憂鬱星期一?由不同週末補眠策略探討補眠時數與社交時差,對於週間睡眠不足之影響 The Monday Blues? The Impacts of Catch-up Sleep Duration and Social Jet Lag on Insufficient Weekday Sleep with Different Weekend Sleep Strategies