縱火再犯因子及預測之研究 Recidivism Factors and Prediction of Arson
迷信思考中的解釋效果 Explanation Effect in Superstitious Thinking
唇顎裂新生兒母親之個人衝擊與養育態度:產前因子對早期適應趨勢之預測力 Maternal Sense of Personal Impact and Child Rearing Attitudes toward Cleft Lip and/or Palate Newborns: The Predictability of Two Risk Factors Existing before Delivery
隱式情緒刺激對演講者評價之影響:情緒對比抑或情緒制約? Subliminal Affective Priming Effect on TV Lecture: Affective Conditioning or Affective Contrast Effect?