中華心理學刊 Chinese Journal of Psychology |
201209 (54:3期)期所有篇 |
- 家長式領導與部屬效能:信任主管與不信任主管的中介效果 The Relationship between Paternalistic Leadership and Subordinate Effectiveness: The Mediating Effects of Trust and Distrust in the Supervisor
- 組織挫折與職場退縮:主管不當督導與工作內外控之研究 Organizational Frustration and Workplace Withdrawal: The Study of Abusive Supervision and Work Locus of Control
- 以縱貫學業表現檢驗大魚小池效應與見賢思齊效應 Examining the Big-Fish-Little-Pond and Upward Comparison Effects Using Longitudinal Learning Achievement
- 檳榔依賴量表(BNDS)的發展 Development of the Betel Nut Dependency Scale (BNDS)
- 學齡前自閉症類兒童的適應行為型態與認知功能及症狀嚴重度之關連 Relating Cognitive Competence and Diagnostic Severity to Adaptive Behavior Profiles in Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- 高功能自閉症學齡兒童的心智理論與口語敘說 Theory of Mind and Narrative Abilities in School-Aged Children with High-Functioning Autism
- 以眼動型態和閱讀測驗表現探討箭頭在科學圖文閱讀中的圖示效果 The Effect of Arrows in an Illustration When Reading Scientific Text: Evidence from Eye Movements and Reading Tests
- 凝視方向引發之注意力自動化轉移的發展趨勢 Developmental Trends in Gaze Induced Orienting