中華心理學刊 Chinese Journal of Psychology |
201109 (53:3期)期所有篇 |
- 「人觀」拼圖:它的概念架構、注意偏向與發展趨勢 Jigsaw Groping of Person Perception: Its Conceptual Framework, Attention Bias, and Developmental Trend
- 格式塔相似性原則:三至六個月大的嬰兒能利用拓撲性質或幾何性質來群組圖案嗎? Gestalt Similarity Principle: Can 3- to 6-Month-Old Infants Use Topological or Geometric Property to Group Visual Patterns?
- 國小三年級兒童識字能力與語意關係對中文語意處理的影響 The Impacts of Word Recognition Ability and Semantic Relation on Semantic Processing for Third Graders
- 中英雙語者的空間用語與空間認知:眼動儀研究 Spatial Terms and Spatial Cognition of Chinese-English Bilinguals: An Eye-Tracking Study
- 華語語句產生與知覺的計時特性 The Speech Timing Characteristics of Mandarin Sentence Production and Perception
- 正義與情理:偏袒與重才的人事決定對主管的公正及人情評價之影響 Justice and Qing-Li: The Influence of Favoritism-Based Versus Competence-Based Personnel Decisions on the Evaluations of Leader's Impartiality and Renqing