特殊教育研究學刊 Bulletin of Special Education |
202311 (48:3期)期所有篇 |
- 以運動標籤建構真實融合的婚姻與家庭:兩位感官障礙父親突破假性融合之歷程探究 Using sport labeling to construct true inclusion in marriage and family: Exploring the process of overcoming superficial inclusion for two fathers with sensory disabilities
- 雙北市資源班教師運用正向行為支持因應身心障礙學生拒學行為:專業實踐現況初探 Resource room teachers utilizing positive behavior support to address school refusal behavior in students with disabilities in Taipei and New Taipei City: An initial exploration of professional practices
- 強制回憶寫字教學法對國小三年級寫字困難學生之介入成效 Intervention effects of forced-recall handwriting instruction on third-grade students with Chinese handwriting difficulties
- 國際奧林匹亞競賽獲獎保送大學科學相關科系之經濟不利資優學生的優勢發展與支持措施及相互反饋 Advantaged development, support measures, and mutual feedback of economically disadvantaged gifted students in science-related university departments who are granted admission because of their international Olympiad competition achievements