特殊教育研究學刊 Bulletin of Special Education |
202211 (47:3期)期所有篇 |
- 以刺激等同為基礎之教學──智能障礙學生功能性詞彙對稱與轉移之表現成效 Effects of equivalence-based instruction on the emergence of symmetry and transitivity in the Chinese functional vocabulary of two students with intellectual disabilities in Taiwan
- 陪你看見花開:一位母親培養資優自閉症子女自我決策之敘事探究 Going with you to watch the flowers bloom: A narrative study of a mother cultivating the self-determination of her gifted child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- 資優學生未來觀之個案研究 A case study of gifted students' perspectives on the future
- 先發與續航之間:高中階段體育資優生才能發展歷程與挑戰之探究 Processes and challenges of talent development of sports-gifted students in high school