特殊教育研究學刊 Bulletin of Special Education |
202207 (47:2期)期所有篇 |
- 一句話惹惱障礙者:以污名溝通模型探究障礙微歧視話語之詮釋與回應 The best defense is a good response: Using the model of stigma communication to explore perspectives toward disability microaggressions during daily conversation
- 使用手語的聽損者對中文語意不透明詞的運作與記憶表現 Morphological processing and memory performance of Chinese semantic opaque words among deaf signers
- 未有資優生之前:地方模式偏鄉校本資優方案之行動研究 Path to giftedness: An action research of place-based gifted program for rural students in Taiwan
- 腦性麻痺使用觸控螢幕操作之調整歷程 Adjusting touchscreen operation for individuals with cerebral palsy