特殊教育研究學刊 Bulletin of Special Education |
202203 (47:1期)期所有篇 |
- 探究行為功能介入方案受訓教師之挑戰和迷思概念 Challenges faced by and misconceptions of teachers when conducting functional behavioral assessments and developing interventions
- 班級層級功能本位介入小組方案改善,國小融合班學生課堂參與行為之研究 Effects of class-wide function-related intervention teams on the engagement behaviors of elementary school students in inclusive classrooms
- 執行功能、注意力缺失過動症狀與心智理論能力探討──以大學生為對象 Exploration of executive function, attention deficit hyperactivity symptoms and theory of mind in college students
- 語音異常幼兒,語音錯誤情形與早期讀寫能力之相關研究 The relationship between speech sound errors and early literacy skills in children with speech sound disorders