特殊教育研究學刊 Bulletin of Special Education |
201711 (42:3期)期所有篇 |
- 學習障礙學生自我概念與學校適應之縱貫研究 Self-Concept and School Adjustment of Students with Learning Disabilities
- 有效鑑別國小二年級語言障礙兒童和典型發展兒童的敘事指標 Narrative Indicators for Effectively Distinguishing between Second-Grade Students with Language Disorders and their Typically Developing Peers
- 以整合式音樂治療行動方案改善一位自閉症兒童嚴重自傷行為之研究 Improving the Severe Self-Injurious Behavior of a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder through an Integrated Music Therapy Action Program
- 時間次序與空間位置訊息於記憶運作中的運用:以失聰手語使用者為例 Temporal order and spatial information in short-term memory: Evidence from deaf Taiwanese signers