特殊教育研究學刊 Bulletin of Special Education |
201603 (41:1期)期所有篇 |
- 電子白板結合心智圖寫作方案對國中學習障礙學生寫作之成效 Effects of Integrating Interactive Whiteboard into the Mind Mapping Composition Program on Writing for Junior High School Students with Learning Disabilities
- 初級影片示範教學教導自閉症幼兒生活自理技能之研究:以洗手為例 Effects of Primary Tier Generic Video Modeling on Teaching Hand Washing Skill to Children with Autism
- 教師創意教學發展之縱貫性研究 Longitudinal research on the development of creative teaching
- 中文閱讀時臺灣手語音韻之周邊預視效益 Use of Phonological Representations of Taiwan Sign Language in Chinese Reading: Evidence from Deaf Signers