特殊教育研究學刊 Bulletin of Special Education |
201511 (40:3期)期所有篇 |
- 自閉症兒童非語言溝通能力及與表達性詞彙發展關係研究 Nonverbal Communication Skills and Their Relationship with Expressive Vocabulary Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- 臺灣手語理解能力標準化測驗的編製與發展 Development of a Standardized Taiwanese Sign Language Comprehension Test
- 圖像式情境脈絡數學教材對國小資優生學習成效與基模影響之實驗研究 Effect of Situated Context Instruction in Mathematics Incorporating Pictures for Gifted Elementary School Students
- 目標導向教學對於學習障礙學生英文成績之影響:單一受試者研究以美國為例 Effects of Goal-Setting Instruction on the English Performance of Students with Learning Disabilities: A Single-Case Study in the United States