特殊教育研究學刊 Bulletin of Special Education |
201507 (40:2期)期所有篇 |
- 身心障礙資優學生支援服務系統建構之行動研究 Action Research on Support-Service Systems for Gifted Students with Disabilities
- 自我概念與自我擁護模式在中度智能障礙學生自評與導師評量間結構恆等性之檢定 Assessing the Structural Invariance of Self-Concept and Self-Advocacy Models between the Self-Reports of Students with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities and Teachers’ Ratings Samples
- 輕症自閉症兒童故事重述能力之研究 Story-retelling Ability of Children with Mild Autism Spectrum Disorder
- WISC-IV 兩種因素模式解釋取向之效度研究 Validation of Taiwan WISC-IV by Using Four- and Five-Factor Interpretative Approaches