科學與工程技術期刊 Journal of Science and Engineering Technology |
200609 (2:3期)期所有篇 |
- Bluetree#:僅用從動橋接裝置之可延展的藍芽散射網路結構 Bluetree#: An Extendable Bluetooth Scatternet Formation Using Only Slave/Slave Bridges
- 具凸塊障礙物之矩形渠道紊流結構之實驗探討 An Experimental Investigation of the Turbulence Structure of a Block-Mounted Rectangular Channel Flow
- 在平行機器架構上擷取高頻項目組 Generating Frequent Itemsets in Parallel Machines
- 結合多評準決策與模糊邏輯於環境永續性評估 Evaluating Environmental Sustainability: An Integration of Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making and Fuzzy Logic
- 應用灰預測於工程製程管制之研究 A Study of Engineering Process Control Using Grey Prediction
- R型火警受信總機監控系統之設計開發 Designing a Supervision and Control System for an R-Type Fire-Alarm Control Panel
- 研究具相關性統計環境中M-ary非同調調變方式的分支相關特性 Branch Correlation of M-ary Non-Coherent Modulation Schemes in Correlated Statistics Environments
- 以基因演算法求解單原片方形物件排列問題 Solving Two-Dimensional Packing Problems by Using a Genetic Algorithm
- 二維網格紊流之實驗分析 An Experimental Study on Two-Dimensional Grid Turbulence
- SIP網路電話計費機制之研究與實作 A RADIUS Accounting Application for SIP-Based VoIP Services
- 高品質砷化銦在砷化鎵基板上成長之研究 A Study of High-Quality InAs-Strained Bulk Layer Growth on GaAs by MOCVD