長庚人文社會學報 Chang Gung Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences |
201804 (11:1期)期所有篇 |
- 棄離土地,行跡天涯:從奈波爾的《浮生半世》到《魔法種子》的旅人浪子 Alienation from the Land: A Sad Story of the Tramp in V. S. Naipaul's Half a Life and Magic Seeds
- 克里創傷路/錄:奇曲的《無麂之徑》 Traumatic Cree: Shirley Cheechoo's Path with No Mocassions
- 「當代道教」研究方法之反思:朝向道教口述歷史的觀點 Rethinking the Research Method of Contemporary Daoism: Toward the Perspective of Daoist Oral History
- 戰後臺灣小兒預防接種知識的傳播:以聯合報、中國時報與民生報為分析案例1950~1980s The Dissemination of Pediatric Vaccination Knowledge in Taiwan: Examples from United Daily News, China Times and Min Sheng Daily, 1950~1980s
- 介系詞from, against, among, above, onto和beside於固定框架[PREP the NOUN of]的研究:以語料庫為本的研究 An Investigation of Prepositions in the Fixed Frame [PREP the NOUN of]: A Corpus-based Study of from, against, among, above, onto, and beside