長庚人文社會學報 Chang Gung Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
201710 (10:2期)期所有篇
歐盟反恐政策及機制分析 Analysis of EU Anti-Terrorism Policy and Regimes
朝鮮正祖《詩經講義》問答內涵研究 The Research of Joseon Jeongjo's Shijing Lectures to Questiones and Answers
學校執行兒少保護安置個案與機構間資源整合和輔導現況之探討──以智能障礙者之家內性侵案為例 The Study of How a School Execute and Integrate Resources among Institutes to Help a Foster Care Child and School Guidance in the Present Situation
暢談道德言論的不道德之徒:賽繆爾.強森 The Vicious Moralist and His Legacy: A Critical Reanalysis of Samuel Johnson as Moral Figure
電影《哪啊哪啊~神去村》對神話原型批評之運用與操演分析 An Application of Archetypal Criticism in Literary Analyses Using Wood Job! as an Example