長庚人文社會學報 Chang Gung Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
201604 (9:1期)期所有篇
從Art in Motion: Quick Step 的中譯看翻譯新趨勢:專業翻譯 Professional Translation as New Tendency of Translation: The Translation of Art in Motion: Quick Step into Mandarin as an Example
護理英文:臺灣英語學習者需求分析 English for Nursing: An Exploration of Taiwanese EFL Learners' Needs
運用合作學習法策略於大一英文課程──以醫藥學系學生之學習歷程為例 An Investigation of Cooperative Learning (CL) on the Enhancement of Medical Majors Students' Performance in Freshman English Courses
論馬克佛森自由民主政治理論的形成與內涵 The Argumentation of Macpherson's Political Theory on Liberal Democracy
臺灣與南韓「政黨選舉競爭穩定性」的比較分析:「選舉浮動性」的測量 Comparative Analysis on the Stability of Political Party Electoral Competition in Taiwan and South Korea: Measuring the Electoral Volatility