選舉研究 Journal of Electoral Studies |
202405 (31:1期)期所有篇 |
- 負面黨性如何影響臺灣民眾選擇地方民意代表?應用網路調查結合聯合實驗設計探索投票行為 How Does Negative Partisanship Affect Taiwanese People’s Choice of Local Representatives? Exploring Voting Behavior through the Application of Online Surveys and Conjoint Experimental Design
- 台灣「政黨名單候選人」甄補之持續與變遷 Continuity and Change in Nomination for Party-list Candidates: A Case Study of Taiwan
- 臺生跨政體接觸後的政治信任變遷 Changes in the Political Trust of Taiwanese Students after Cross-Polity Contact