施政表現、種族因素與市長滿意度:以卡崔娜颶風前後之紐奧良市為例 Governance Performance, Racial Factor, and the Mayor ' s Approval Rating: The Case of New Orleans before and after Hurricane Katrina
情緒政治與2016年總統選舉 Political Emotions and the 2016 Presidential Election in Taiwan
選舉競爭與資訊對投票率的影響:以2005-2014年台灣直轄市與縣市議員選舉為例 The Effects of Electoral Competition and Information on Voter Turnout: The Case of the Local Council Election in Taiwan, 2005-2014
政黨偏好是否左右經濟評估?定群追蹤之因果效應分析 Testing Partisan Effects on Economic Perceptions: A Panel Design Approach