選舉研究 Journal of Electoral Studies |
201705 (24:1期)期所有篇 |
- 接觸有效嗎?民衆對於崛起中國的普遍印象 Do Contacts Matter? Public Impressions of a Rising China in Taiwan
- 總統選舉事件對股市之影響 The Impact of Presidential Elections on Taiwan's Stock Market
- 政黨形象與原住民投票抉擇 Party Image and Indigenous Voting Choice: A Case Study of the 2016 Presidential Election
- 超越藍綠?政治版圖在2014年臺北市長選舉的新應用 Transcending Ideological Barriers for Voting? New Applications of Political Territory Analysis in the 2014 Taipei City Mayoral Election