選舉研究 Journal of Electoral Studies |
201211 (19:2期)期所有篇 |
- 交叉壓力、意見表達與政黨認同:2008年立法委員選舉的實證分析 Cross-Pressures, Opinion Expression, and Party Identification: Lessons of the 2008 Legislative Yuan Elections in Taiwan
- 政黨認同、負面資訊的競爭與選民投票抉擇:2010年五都選舉的實證研究 Party Identification, Negative Information, and Voting Choices: An Empirical Analysis of Municipal Mayoral Election in 2010
- 廢票為何發生?兼論臺灣選舉無效票之空間效應(1992-2008) What Causes the Invalid Votes? With a Concurrently Discussion of Spatial Analysis of Invalid Votes in Taiwan's Elections, 1992-2008
- 選舉、制衡與公共支出配置:我國地方政府的實證分析 Elections, Checks and Balances and the Allocation of Public Expenditure: An Empirical Analysis of Local Government in Taiwan
- 台灣立法委員政見資料庫之建置 The Establishment of Taiwanese Legislators' Campaign Promise Database