初探地表高溫跨時空變遷暨土地使用型態之關聯性 Spatial and Temporal Change of Heat Stress and the Relationship with Land Use Pattern
「街區開放空間」之氣候變遷規劃綜效與共效益──建物重建對主次要道路之驅動 Synergies and Co-benefits of Climate Change Planning in“Street Open Space”-Building Reconstruction as a Driver for Primary Streets
綠基盤因應氣候變遷之綜效、權衡與共效益初探:以臺北都會區為例 Synergy, trade-offs and co-benefits of green infrastructure in response to climate change: A case study of the Taipei Metropolitan Area
都市發展計畫對因應氣候變遷之綜效與權衡──以臺北都會區為例 Synergy and Trade-offs in Urban Development Planning for Climate Change-The Taipei Metropolitan Area as an Example
綠能政策與綠色環境政策對農業生產之權衡效果及對都市遠距的影響:以雲林縣農家之機會成本分析為例 Trade-off effect of renewable energy and greening policy on agricultural production and urban land tele-connection: A study of farm households in Yunlin County based on opportunity cost framework
氣候變遷調適共效益評估架構之探討──以農地調適為例 Framework for evaluating the co-benefit of climate change adaptation - a case of agricultural land adaptation
臺北市沿山都市緩衝帶的再自然化及其效益分析 Renaturing peri-urban areas in Taipei: Ecological parks for slope land transformation and their benefits