城市的創意修補及文創工作者的困境──以臺北市為例 “Creativity Fix” to City and the Limits to Creative Labour: The Case of Taipei City
從「都市治理」到「公司治理」:都市更新的可行性探討 From “Urban Governance” to “Corporate Governance”: A Study on the Feasibility of Urban Renewal
地震災害引發避難救災路網阻斷風險之研究──以臺中市高脆弱度社經環境地區為例 Risk assessment of road failures after earthquakes - An example of high socio-economic vulnerability region in Taichung City
都市街廓特徵與人體熱舒適之關係研究 Correlations between Urban Block Characteristics and Thermal Comfort