都市與計劃 City and Planning |
201309 (40:3期)期所有篇 |
- 保護區與鄉村發展的整合嘗試:以美濃社區運動1990年代迄今的保育軌跡為例 An Endeavor to Integrate the Protected Area into Rural Development: A Case Study of Conservation Development for Community Movement in Mei-Nung since 1990s
- 水域周邊熱舒適預測模型之研究 Development of A Model for Predicting Thermal Comfort Around Bodies of Water
- 臺南舊市中心空間再生之研究:由街區結構和文化再生之觀點 Mechanism of Regeneration in Old Urban Districts of Tainan from the Perspectives of District Configuration and Cultural Revitalization
- 臺灣新舊違章建築日期劃分之研究 Dividing Lines between New versus Old Illegal Structures in Taiwan