屏東大學科學教育 Science Education of National Pingtung University |
201510 (1期)期所有篇 |
- 開放式教學法在小學數學課室之實踐:提問策略之角色 The Practicing of Open-Ended Approach in Mathematics Classes of Elementary Schools: Role of the Questioning Strategy
- 探討圖形與符號表徵形式對高中生比例心理運算的影響 Exploring th e Effect of High School Stud en ts’ Selection of Mental Operation on Proportional Problem Representation
- 數學動手做活動對六七年級女學生數學學習自我效能影響之初探 Exploring mathematical-hands on activities impact on mathematical learning self-efficacy for 6th and 7th schoolgirls