是真,還是假?從閱聽人角度看動畫新聞真實性 True or not true? An audience perspective on the truthfulness of animated news
當新聞遇見社群媒介:瀰漫媒介場域中的新聞實踐研 When News Meets Social Media: Journalistic Practice in the Field of Ambient Media
懶人包超文本敘事設計分析—順序與結構元素的討論 Hypertext Narrative Design Analysis of News for dummies— Discussion on Order and Structure Elements
從自我一致性理論檢視五大人格、網路新聞媒體品牌個 性、媒體使用之間的關係 An examination on the relationships among consumers’ personality traits, media brand personality, and their media use
兩岸服貿協議民眾的媒體信任、政治信任、風險感知 與行為意圖分析 People’s media trust, political trust, risk perception, and behavior intentions on Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement issue
從語料分析探究有機食物之媒體再現:三十年之意義與轉變 A Corpus Analysis of Discourse on Organic Food: The significance and Transformation of Thirty Years