從歐洲無政府主義的政治暗殺到上海租界的諜報與愛戀:李健吾《喜相逢》的跨文化改譯策略及其實踐 From European Anarchist's Political Assassination to the Espionage and Love Affairs in the Concession of Shanghai: Strategy and Practice in the Transcultural Adaptation of Li Jianwu's Delightful Encounter
當代臺灣歌仔戲劇場的影像發展與美學實踐:以王奕盛與唐美雲歌仔戲團的作品為例 The Development and Aesthetics of Projection Design in Contemporary Taiwanese Gezaixi Theatre: A Case Study of Ethan Wang and His Works with Tang Mei Yun Taiwanese Opera Company