戲劇研究 Journal of Theater Studies |
201901 (23期)期所有篇 |
- 結緣‧度化‧證悟:元雜劇《龍濟山野猿聽經》的佛教意蘊 Affiliation, Release from Evil and Enlightenment: The Import of Buddhism in Yuan Zaju “An Ape Listens to the Sutra in the Longji Mountain”
- 敘事表現、心靈書寫與情理之辯:孟稱舜《嬌紅記》的寫作承襲及其對戲曲愛情劇的開創 Narrative Expression, Writing of Inner-Self, and the Debate of Love/Rationality: On Meng Chengshun's Jiaohong ji, Its Literary Heritage and Innovation of Romance Drama
- 從律法價值的推崇到文學位階的確立:《竇娥冤》在法國的傳譯與接受 The Value of Chinese Laws and the Affirmation of Literary Status: Translation and Reception of Dou E Yuan
- 弄堂做為「家」的符號:從《上海屋簷下》到《大哥》談上海小市民戲劇的流變 Nongtang as Tropes of Home: On the Changing Representations of Shanghai Petty Urbanites in Under the Eaves of Shanghai and Big Brother
- 析論新加坡「新麒麟閩劇團」《醉打金枝》戲曲電影 The Analysis of Neo-Qilin Min Opera Troupe's Drama Cinema: “Breaking the Red Lantern”