戲劇研究 Journal of Theater Studies |
201707 (20期)期所有篇 |
- 摩登與激進的變奏:談張獻早期戲劇與上海現代性的關聯 Variations of the Modern and the Radical: On the Relations Between Zhang Xian’s Early Drama and Shanghai Modernity
- 從星光到鐘聲:張維賢新劇生涯及其困境 From “Xing-Guang” to “Zhong-Shen”: Zhang Weixian’s New Drama Life and its Predicaments
- 從《李爾王》到豫莎劇《天問》:中國化語境下的教化衝動與改編議題 From King Lear to Questioning Heaven: The Urge to Edify in Chinese Cultural and Linguistic Contexts and Its Issues of Adaptation
- 二十一世紀在韓國舞台上的《趙氏孤兒》——中國古典戲劇的當代化與在地化 The Zhao Family Orphan on the 21st Century Korean Stage –Contemporary Interpretation and Localization of Chinese Classical Opera