期貨與選擇權學刊 Journal of Futures & Options |
201011 (3:2期)期所有篇 |
- 從理性投機的觀點來解釋隱含波動率偏斜:台灣股市指數選擇權市場的校準 Explaining the Implied Volatility Skew from the Rational Speculation Perspective: Calibration on the Taiwan Stock Index Option Market
- 國家主權評等與主權信用違約交換 Forecasting Sovereign Credit Ratings by Sovereign Credit Default Swap
- 台灣專營期貨商市場結構、效率與獲利率之探討 Market Structure, Efficiency and Profitability of Taiwan’s Futures Commission Merchants
- 實施國際會計準則對我國證券商及期貨商財務與業務之影響及因應 The Impacts of and Responses to the Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards by Securities Firms and Futures Commission Merchants