屏東教育大學學報:教育類 Journal of Pingtung University of Education: Education |
201505 (42期)期所有篇 |
- Rasch模式建置「國小四、五年級閱讀 理解測驗」簡版 Development of a Shortened Reading Comprehension Test Using the Rasch Model
- 唐甄對陽明心學教育觀的繼承與修正 Tang Zhen,s Inheritance and Correction of the Education Viewpoints of Yang Ming School of Mind
- 國民小學校長領導行為、教師專業表 現與學校組織文化之關聯性研究 A Study of the Correlation among Leadership Behaviors of the Principal%2C the Professional Performance of the Teacher and School Organizational Culture of an Elementary School
- 幼兒園教師運用圖畫書的教學信念與教學行為之研究 Research on Preschool Teachers’ Teaching Beliefs and Behavior of Picture Book Application
- 青少年線上閱讀策略覺察量表之效度驗證 The Validation of the Online Reading Strategy Awareness Inventory of Adolescents