屏東教育大學學報:教育類 Journal of Pingtung University of Education: Education |
201103 (36期)期所有篇 |
- 幼教師電腦科技使用與功能需求問卷之發展 Developing the Investigation Scale of Computer Use and Computer Need for Preschool Teacher
- 「多元模型教學模式」的教學成效之評析--以國小星象觀測單元為例 An Analysis of the Teaching Effectiveness of Multiple-Model Teaching Model-- An Example on the Star Observation Unit of Elementary School
- 運用圖畫書進行數學教學對幼兒數學學習態度之影響 Effects of Using Picture Books to Teach Mathematics on Young Children's Attitude toward Mathematical Learning
- 青少年正向思考與正向情緒之相關研究 A Correlation Study of Adolescent's Positive Thinking and Positive Emotion
- 科學史融入物理教學對高一女生的科學本質觀與電磁學概念改變之研究 The Research of Infusing History of Science into Physics Instruction on Female 10th Grade Student's Nature of Science and Change of Electromagnetic Concepts
- 植基認知負荷取向在課程教材設計及其教學成效分析 Developing Teaching Materials Based on Cognitive Load Theory and Its Effectiveness Analysis
- Rorty社會希望的教育觀點 The Study of the Educational Implication of Rorty's Social Hope
- 教師審議民主素養之探討及其對多元文化教育的啟示 A Study of Teachers' Deliberative Democratic Competence and Its Implications for Multicultural Education
- 從隨機概念發展模型理論初探小六學童樣本空間直觀轉變 Applying Model of Stochastic Conceptual Development to the Transformation of one 6th-grader's Intuitions of Sample Space
- 設計教育中促進想像的學習環境因素及其作用 A Preliminary Study of the Influences of Learning Environment for Stimulating Imagination in the Design Education
- 從語料庫的開發探討客語教材的編輯與出版 Editing and Publishing of Hakka Teaching Materials-- Discussion on Corpus Development
- 政策終結內涵探析 The Study of Policy Termination
- 教師間氣氛、校長領導風格、教師教學制控信念與教師工作滿意度關係之研究--以臺東縣國民中學為例 The Relationship among School Climate%2C Principals' Leadership Style%2C Teaching Locus of Control%2C and Teachers' Job Satisfaction: An Example of Junior High School Teachers in Taitung
- 國小生活課程音樂活動實施探究 A Study of Applying Music Activities to the Life Curriculum Teaching in Elementary School
- 轉介前識字教學介入對國小一年級識字困難學童的學習效果 To Investigate Learning Effects of Pre-referral-Word-Recognition Intervention for 1st Graders with Word-Recognition Difficulties
- 弱勢者教育改革中教師專業認同之研究:偏鄉學校教師敘事的省思 The Educational Reform for the Disadvantaged and Teachers' Professional Identities: The Narratives of Remote Area Teachers