經營管理學刊 Journal of management and openrations |
201709 (14期)期所有篇 |
- 餐飲服務業職場霸凌及因應策略之個案研究 A Case Study of Workplace Bullying and Coping Strategies for Restaurant Service Industry
- 用餐階段、消費目標、擁擠程度及趣味性對限時吃到飽餐廳顧客服務品質知覺之影響 The Impact of Dining Stages, Consumption Goals, Crowding Levels, and Fun on Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality for All-You-Can-Eat Restaurants
- 以創新培力機制促成NPO實踐地區治理:以高雄市農村社區為例 The Practice of Regional Governance For The Rural Communities In Kaohsiung:The Imperative Study of Innovative NPOs Empowerment Model
- 學習動機、學習策略與學習成效關係之研究--以數位學習為例 The Relationships between Learning Motivation, Learning Strategy, and Learning Performance of E-learning