黨產研究 Journal for the Study of the Party Assets |
201708 (1期)期所有篇 |
- 處理政黨不當取得財產的憲法思維 Constituional Thinking On Ill-gotten Properties by Political Parties
- 論政黨接收國有特種財產的追繳:兼談黨產取得的多元化脈絡 On the Recovery of Political Parties Assets Taken from the National Special Assets: Also on the Diverse Contexts about the acquisition of Political Parties Properties
- 台灣各主要政黨財務狀況分析與展望 Analysis and Development of the finance of Political Party in Taiwan
- 「附隨組織」之解釋與適用初探--黨國體制與轉型正義 A Preliminary Study of Interpretation and Application of the Affiliate Organizations -Party State System and Transitional Justice
- 政黨附隨組織的法律解釋——德國法的視野 Interpretation of Affiliate Organizations under the GDR's Party Law (PartG-DDR)
- 以愛國為名的不樂之捐:勞軍捐的前世今生與法律性質 Unwillingness Tax Under the Name of Nationalism:The history of Armed Forces Entertainment Donation and its Nature of Law
- 「歷史正義與權利回復法」草案評述 A Review of Draft Act Governing the Historical Justice and Recovery of Damage of Individual Rights