林業研究季刊 Quarterly Journal of Forest Research |
202301 (45:1期)期所有篇 |
- 杉木纖維添加量對水泥複合材物理機械性質之影響 Effect of wood (Cunninghamia lanceolata) fiber content on the physical and mechanical properties of the cement composites
- 臺灣東南部亞熱帶常綠闊葉林之油葉石櫟─長尾尖葉櫧林型植群動態研究 Vegetation dynamics in the Lithocarpus konishii- Castanopsis carlesii forest type of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Southeast Taiwan
- 惠蓀林場香杉人工林樹高曲線式、材積式及地上部生物量模式之建立及應用於林分碳貯存量之推估 Development of tree height, volume and aboveground biomass equations to predict carbon storage for a Konishi fir (Cunninghamia konishii) plantation in Huisun Experimental Forest Station
- 自動錄音機記錄巒大杉人工林區塊伐過程鳥類組成變化 Using autonomous recording units to record the changes of birds after patch cutting in Luanta fir plantation
- 臺東金崙大橋興建毀損海岸地復育造林成效初探 Preliminary study on the effect of forest restoration after the Jinlun Bridge construction in Taitung
- 異葉假毛地黃(列當科):台灣植物誌新歸化種及新紀錄屬 Agalinis heterophylla (Orobanchaceae): A newly naturalized species representing a new generic record for the Flora of Taiwan