紅泡刺藤(薔薇科)在台灣的重新確認 Reconfirmation of Rubus niveus Thunb. (Rosaceae) in Taiwan
白千層葉子精油成分分析及活性探索 Component analysis and bioactivity investigation of leaf essential oil from Melaleuca leucadendra
遊客對於生態旅遊之願付價格與環境態度之探討--以墾丁社頂部落為例 Willingness to pay and environmental attitudes of visitors after experiencing ecotourism in Shirding community, Kenting
臺東太麻里溪堤內洪氾區八種闊葉樹種造林之初期生長表現及施肥效應 Initial growth performance and fertilization effect among eight broad-leaved species on the floodplain of Taimali stream in Taitung