思源埡口地區植群組成及多樣性 Composition and Diversity of Vegetation in Sihyuán Wùkǒu Area
內雙溪自然中心戶外教學方案「森林背包客棧」對國小高年級學童環境教育之成效研究 The Effects of the Outdoor Education Program,“Forest Backpacker Hostel” on Elementary School Higher Grades' Environmental Education at Neishuangxi Nature Center
不同光度處理對於咖啡苗木形質與生理反應的影響 Effects of different light on the morphological and physiological responses of Coffea arabica seedlings
台北五股與台南龍崎綠竹林之林分結構與生物量 The stand structure and biomass of Bambusa oldhami plantations in Wugu, New Taipei and Longqi, Tainan.