自然保育季刊 Nature Conservation Quarterly |
201412 (88期)期所有篇 |
- 社會--生態的生產地景:里山 Satoyama , a type of Socio-Ecological Production Landscape (SEPL)
- 以編碼金屬環輔助非保育類野鳥捕捉與買賣管理的可行性 The feasibility of using mental band for the management of capture and sale of non-protected wild birds
- 田水串起山海生命線--貢寮水梯田的老智慧與新關係 The traditional knowledge and new practice intertwined with Gongliao rice terrace, where life is connected through ditches and sea view
- 搭乘無人航空載具臥遊山川大地 Landscape aerial photography using unmanned aerial vehicle
- 倒吊金鐘本尊與分身 Identification of the true Hengchun Qing Niu Dan (Tinospora dentata )
- 臺灣珍稀水生蕨類--槐葉蘋的形態與生活史簡介 A brief introduction to the morphology and life cycle of Salvinia natans
- 八煙經驗與里山臺灣的願景 Bajen experience and the Satoyama vision in Taiwan
- 動物標本製作甘苦談 Experience of making animal specimens
- 2014臺灣珍蛛論壇--對蜘蛛世界的全新體驗 2014 Symposium on Taiwan spiders - a whole new experience of the spider world
- 生態與藝術的饗宴李欣諦「愛飛翔」創作個展 The symphony of arts and nature: fondness for our wildlife friends