中山大学法律评论 Sun Yat-sen University Law Review |
201412 (12:4期)期所有篇 |
- 地方政府規章的制度創新空間 Institutional Innovation in Local Governments' Rule-Making
- 論“較大的市"之立法權──基於對憲法文本的解讀 The Authority of Legislation in 'Bigger Cities' -A Reading to the Text of Constitution
- 地方立法的制度創新及其重要性──以廣東省社會組織立法為例 Innovation and its Importance of Local Legislation - An Example of Social Organization Legislation of Guangdong Province
- 社會轉型中的信訪立法──以《廣東省信訪條例(專家意見稿)》起草為例 The Legislation of Letters and Visits in Transitional Society-A Case Study of 'The Regulation of Letters and Visits in Gugangdong Province (Experts' Draft)'
- 多元主體協同起草法案的立法模式──廣東省未成年人全程參與利益相關立法研究 The Mode of Legislation with Multi- Players' Cooperation-A Research Report on the Participation of Juveniles in Relating Legislation in Guangdong Province
- 清代地方立法研究──以清代禁毀戲劇法律為中心的考察 Local Legislation in Qing Dynasty - A Research Based on the Legislation of Prohibition and Destruction of Drama in Qing Dynasty
- 科學立法的源流、內涵與動因 The Trend, the Insight and the Motivation of Scientific Legislation
- 論立法技術 Techniques of Legislation
- 立法學:難題及日程 Legisprudence: Problems and Agenda
- 利率上限、國家立法及公眾看法:法律是否反映公眾的願望? Interest Rate Caps, State Legislation, and Public Opinion: Does the Law Reflect the Public's Desires?
- 立法如何創新──對企業社會責任法律化的反思 How to Have Creative Legislation-A Reflection on the Legislation of Enterprises' Social Responsibilities
- 地方立法科學性諸因素之探析 Approach Some Elements of Scientificity in Local Legislation
- 不動產登記立法的反思與展望──寫在《不動產登記暫行條例(徵求意見稿)》公佈之後 Reflection and Anticipation on the Legislation of Registration of Real Estate- An Article after the Promulgation of 'Temporation Regulation on the Registration of Real Estate (Proposal Draft)'
- 法治中國建設背景下黨的領導與人大立法的關係 The Relationship between the leadership of Communist Party and Legislation of the People's Congress in the background of a ruled-by-law China
- 立法過程研究述評 A Bibliography of Research on the Procedure of Legislation
- 關於法學學術研究的宣導(五):探尋貼近社會生活實踐的立法 Call for the Legal Academic Research (V): In the Discovery of Legislation Close to the Practices of Social Lives