高雄師大學報 Bulletin of Chinese Studies of National Kaohsiung Normal University |
202311 (38期)期所有篇 |
- 涉筆成趣──鏡花緣的仿擬及其修辭功能 Creating a Humorous Writing Style: An Analysis of Parody and Its Rhetorical Function in Flowers in the Mirror
- 《清華陸.鄭文公問太伯》之文本時間與鄭卿考論 A Study on Textual Time of“Zhèng Wén-gōng Asked Tài Bó”in“Bamboo Slipsof Warring States PeriodCollected by QīngHuáUniversity: Volume VI”& the Identity of the Qīngin ZhèngState
- 從認知語言學視角探討等韻圖教學問題──以「轉」及相近概念的詞為例 Discussion on the Teaching of Phonological Chart from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics--Take ''Zhuan'' and words with similar concepts as examples