教育實踐與研究 Journal of Educational Practice and Research
202212 (35:2期)期所有篇
翻轉教室與問題導向學習融入全英語課程之行動研究 Action Research on the Integration of Flipped Classroom and Problem-based Learning into EMI Courses
參與2018 PISA 國家的本地與不同世代移民子女閱讀素養因素及其差異之研究 A Study of Reading Literacy Factors and Differences between Native and Immigrant Students Based on 2018 PISA Database
修正式循環音韻治療法介入以提升聽力損失兒童語音能力之研究 The Efficacy of the Modified Cycles Phonological Remediation to Enhance Speech for Hearing-Impaired Children