師大學報:語言與文學類 Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics & Literature |
201403 (59:1期)期所有篇 |
- 曾鞏筆下的女性書寫:一個來自儒家生命的思索 The Representation of Women in Zeng Gong’s Classical Writings: A Reflection from the Confucian Life
- 荻生徂徠與戴震的語文學方法 The Philological Method of Ogyū Sorai and Dai Zhen
- 韓儒鄭三峰的闢佛論 Jeong Sambong’s Refutation of Buddhism
- 朝鮮末期知識階層「文明觀」的轉變與對「基督新教」信仰的接受―以《皇城新聞》與「皇城基督教青年會」為中 Changing Perspectives on Civilization and the Acknowledgment of Protestantism by Choson Intellectuals in the Late Choson Period: A Discussion Focusing on the Hwangseong Sinmun and Hwangseong Young Men’s Christian
- 劉勰少學方徑考 - 釋補劉勰生平研究的一個缺口 Liu Xie’s Study Method in Early Life
- 題畫王昭君與清詩之因革─以宋人題畫昭君為參照 The Succession the Qing Poets and Variations in the Poetry Inscriptions of Wang Zhaojun: Reference the Writings of Song Poets
- 從情態教授英詩 Teaching English Poetry through Modality