師大學報:語言與文學類 Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics & Literature |
201309 (58:2期)期所有篇 |
- 神儒妙契—山崎闇齋垂加神道中的「心」概念 The Formation of Confucian and Shinto: Concepts of “Mind” in Yamazaki Ansai and Suika Shinto
- 日、韓儒者的儒耶會通與諍辯之比較 Japanese and Korean Confucian Perspectives on Christianity
- 梁漱溟「自覺」及其與佛教「菩提心」之比較 Liang Shu-Ming’s “Awareness” and Its Comparison with the Buddhist “Bodhicitta”
- 人類胚胎幹細胞道德地位之爭議─儒佛視域與當代醫學、法律的對話 The Morality of Using Human Embryonic Stem Cells, from a Confucian and Buddhist Perspective: A Bioethics Debate in Contemporary Medicine and Law
- 兼義顧利,儒佛兩可:以戰後臺灣第一代本省籍企業家吳修齊的生命故事為例 Reconciling Religious Tradition and Economic Modernization: The Life Story of Taiwanese Entrepreneur Wu Xiu-Qi
- 韻圖的修辭—從命名隱喻看韻圖的設計理念及其歷時變異 The Rhetoric of Rime Table: The Design Idea and Its Diachronic Differences from the Perspective of the Naming Metaphor
- 費德曼《林肯畫傳》析論 An Analysis on Russell Freedman’s Lincoln: A Photography
- 四縣客家話音節首塞音嗓音起始時長之研究:孤立音節 Voice Onset Time of Syllable-Initial Stops in Sixian Hakka: Isolated Syllables